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Help Students Write Better Narratives by Teaching Small Moments


Teaching small moments is a great way to introduce students to personal narrative writing, especially after winter break.

 Teaching Small Moments in Upper Elementary

Have you ever asked your students to write a personal narrative, only to read stories that list everything they did in a day? “First, I woke up. Then, I ate breakfast. Then, I went outside…” Sound familiar?

Many students struggle with personal narratives because they don’t know how to focus on one small moment.

Instead, they write broad, surface-level stories that feel more like a schedule than a vivid memory.

Teaching students to zoom in on small moments can completely transform their writing.

When students focus on one specific part of their day, they can add details and use descriptive language to bring their stories to life.

In this post, I’ll share a step-by-step lesson plan to help students write personal narratives about their winter memories, focusing on small moments.

This lesson focuses on helping students write about their winter memories using descriptive language to bring their stories to life.

I’ll also highlight mentor texts that model this skill and show how you can use them in your classroom.

What Are Small Moments in Writing?

What Are Small Moments in descriptive Writing

Small moments are specific events or snapshots in time that focus on one part of an experience.

Instead of writing about everything that happened during a day, students zoom in on one key moment and describe it in detail.

For example, instead of writing, “First, I went sledding. Then, I drank hot chocolate,” a student might focus on the thrill of racing down a snowy hill and how the icy air stung their face.

Teaching small moments helps students:

  • Add descriptive details that make their stories more engaging.
  • Stay focused on one part of their narrative instead of jumping from event to event.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of storytelling structure.

By narrowing their focus, students can transform their writing from a list of events to a vivid, memorable story.

Mentor Texts That Model Small Moments

winter books that Model Small Moments

Before students write their personal narratives, showing them examples of small moments in mentor texts is helpful.

As you read, encourage students to notice how the authors describe settings, characters, and events—key elements in personal narrative writing.

These mentor texts show how authors use descriptive language to create vivid, memorable stories.

Here are two of my favorite winter-themed picture books that demonstrate this skill:

Owl Moon by Jane Yolen

This classic story follows a girl and her father as they go out into the snowy woods to look for owls.

The book captures the quiet magic of a winter night with rich, descriptive language that brings the moment to life.

How to use it: Read the book aloud and ask students to identify how the author focuses on one moment.

Highlight strong verbs or sensory details like “the snow whispered beneath our boots.”

Snowy Race by April Jones Prince

This heartwarming story shows a girl helping her father plow snow to prepare for her mom’s return home.

It’s a simple, easy-to-read text that helps students understand how to focus on one specific event.

How to use it: After reading, discuss how the author describes the anticipation of waiting for the mom’s arrival.

This book helps students see how to build emotion into their writing.

Step-by-Step Lesson Plan to Teach Small Moments

Now that students understand what small moments are, it’s time to guide them through the writing process.

Here’s a step-by-step lesson plan to help them create their winter personal narratives.

Step 1: Identify Writing Elements in Mentor Texts

Start by having students read like writers. This means paying attention to the author’s choices, like using sensory details or focusing on one specific moment.

 Identify Writing Elements in Mentor Texts

Activity: Create a T-chart labeled “Author’s Writing Moves” and “What It Teaches Me.”

After reading the mentor texts, students can begin planning their personal narrative writing by focusing on a single small moment from their winter memories.

Step 2: Brainstorm Winter Memories

Before students start writing, help them brainstorm winter memories they could turn into a small moment story.

Brainstorm Winter Memories anchor chart

Activity: Use a winter-themed anchor chart to list ideas like “sledding,” “drinking hot cocoa,” or “building a snowman.”

Discuss which ideas are small moments and which are too broad.

What Are Small Moments in descriptive Writing

For example, “going sledding” might be too general, but “the time I fell off the sled” is a specific moment students can write about.

Use the templates included in the Winter Memories Writing Prompt to help students brainstorm ideas and practice using descriptive language.

Step 3: Plan the Story with a Graphic Organizer

Once students pick their small moment, they need to plan their narrative.

descriptive writing graphic organizer

Activity: Use a graphic organizer to map out the beginning, middle, and end of their story.

Encourage students to jot down key details they’ll include in each section, like what they saw, heard, or felt.

Step 4: Write and Publish the Narrative

Now, it’s time to bring the stories to life! Encourage students to use descriptive language to help readers feel like they’re in the moment.

To guide students through this step, I use the Winter Memories Writing Prompt from my TPT store.

personal narrative anchor chart for small moments

The templates, like graphic organizers and word banks, are perfect for helping students structure and publish their narratives.

winter word bank for kids

Activity: After drafting, students can use the final draft templates to write their stories using their best handwriting.

For an extra touch of creativity, let them add drawings or use colored pens to make their work stand out.

winter writing paper pdf

These templates are simple to use and give students the structure they need to focus on their writing without feeling overwhelmed.

Sharing and Reflecting on Student Narratives

Once students finish their personal narratives, create a way for them to share their work.

Sharing and reflecting builds confidence and helps students see the value in their writing.

winter bulletin board ideas

Ideas for sharing:

  • Host a classroom “author’s chair” where students read their stories aloud.
  • Display their narratives on a bulletin board under the title “Our Winter Memories.”
  • Compile the stories into a class book for students to take home and share with their families.

The templates from the Winter Memories Writing Prompt also make it easy to organize student work for display.

Whether it’s a bulletin board or a class book, these tools ensure that each student’s story shines.

Why Teaching Small Moments Matters

Helping students zoom in on small moments improves their writing and teaches them to notice the details in their own lives.

This skill goes beyond the classroom, helping students become more observant and thoughtful storytellers.

Whether you’re using mentor texts like Owl Moon or guiding students through a graphic organizer, the steps in this lesson plan will help your class write vivid, engaging personal narratives.

Ready to Teach Personal Narrative?

winter writing activity for elementary kids

Check out my Winter Memories Writing Activity on TPT! It’s a perfect addition to teaching personal narratives after the holiday break.

Click here to view it now in my TPT store!

Save This Idea for Later

If you’re ready to teach small moments in your classroom, save this post to Pinterest so you can use these strategies to guide your students’ personal narrative writing!

It’s a great way to keep these ideas handy as you plan your writing lessons!

teaching small moments descriptive writing

Check Out Other Winter Classroom Ideas

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Picture of Vanessa I Longwing Learning

Vanessa I Longwing Learning

Vanessa is a current upper elementary teacher and curriculum designer. When she isn't running after her toddler, she's thinking of new ways to help upper elementary students better understand and love the writing process.

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